Restoring Life's
Pulsation - Naturally
Over 30 Years of
Making High Quality
Orgone Accumulating Products:
Since 1988
ORGONICS presents a full range of authentic
orgone accumulating devices based upon the
life-energy research of the late Dr. Wilhelm Reich.
Quality materials, superior craftsmanship, years of experience,
and important information to help you make the right choices.
Please, make your selection:
What's New?
What is Orgone Energy?
Orgone Energy
SportsWrap Collection
Orgone Energy
Accumulators, They Are Back!
Orgone Energy
Portable Accumulator
Orgone Energy Vest
Orgonics Boots & Mitts
Orgonics Mini-Shooter
Energy Measuring Devices
Ordering Information
and Full Price List.
Orgonics: In Business
Since 1988.
Orgone energy devices cannot be used by people with the
High blood pressure (even if you are on medication), decompensated
heart disease,
arteriosclerosis, atrial fibrillations, glaucoma, brain tumors,
leukemia, apoplectic attacks or seizures of any kind,
or skin inflammations such as psoriasis, rosacea or conjuctivitis.
Caution is advised with ALS, MS, and Parkinsons. See further counter-indications
on Accumulator page.
Orgone energy devices should
not be used around fluorescent lights, microwaves, strong electro-magnetic
within 25 feet of Smart Meters, not with electric blankets or
within 3 feet of electric heaters;
do not use near old style CRT computers or TVs, or within 50 miles
of nuclear power plants or labs.
Nor should YOU be around these sources of energetic pollution.
Questions? Would
you like a printed catalog? E-mail us at:

All Photos on this Website are Copyrighted and are
not to be used without Written Consent from Orgonics.
PO Box 12085
Santa Rosa, CA 95406
(707) 521-9273
Orgone accumulating devices are for
experimental use only.
They are not medical devices.
If you have a medical problem, please consult a physician.
Use at your own risk.
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this page and all website contents.